Monday, April 20, 2015

interesting SU

Bike ride on the way back to the start I was hit by a car.  This is not the same as running over a cat.  Car had stopped and we had the right of way-NO stop sign for us.  I think the driver noticed one riders go by the the intersection and started out not looking both ways.  I was hollering as she hit me.  Very sore, no broken bones but lots of muscle aches.  Did go tot the ER for X-Rays and a head scan and they found only vacuum.  Watching for any head symptoms.  Lots of ER responders and cops at the scene.  Going to have my bike looked at today - does not look like much damage only the handle bar tape but we will see.  Other than that hockey and work.
Need to find a six year old to shoe me how to put pictures here.  Tried but too tuff

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