Monday, January 27, 2014

Another Week

All hockey.  Only night without was Wednesday.  STARS shut out the Penguins YEAH! Americans won both of their games.  Work and a little chilly for bicycle riding.  Warmed up in the afternoon so rode a little in the neighborhood but not the longer rides I am used to (40-60mi). Back to work in the am. Tuff working 3 days a week.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Same old stuff but something new

Just working, hockey riding bicycles (weather was OK highs in the 60's and lows in the low 40's).  Don't know how to dress for the ride.  Have to make clothing adjustments half way thru the ride and carry the excess stuff back to the start.  Did see a "Black and White" play SA.  All the performers are in grey make up as are the sets.  In old melodrama acting method.  Comedy murder mystery with the head police person  a wanna be actor while trying to solve a murder.  The make-up is patented/trademarked and this is about the 15th in this series.  Writes one a year and presents it at the holiday time.  Always a good laugh and I don't miss them.  All for this week

Monday, January 13, 2014


Just hockey this week and work.  Is in the 65-70 range this weekend but windy so the bicycle rides were a challenge.  That's all folke

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Bad night at AAC

Dead Wings 5 STARS 1

First wk of 2014

Lots of hockey. SU,TU,TH,FR,SA.  STARS and Americans-won most and lost some.  Ride my bike today and stay inside tomorrow-bad weather on SU 29-39 and windy.  Worse on MO.