Saturday, August 15, 2009

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I was watching TV on day with "The Dust Bunny" and she was interested the the picture hanging on the wall. It is a Calder artist proof of "Evolution" starting the the 2 cell organism in the lower left and then clockwise around to the fish etc. Naturally DB was interested in the fish but liked the sun in the middle. She quickly tired of looking at "art" and then took a quick nap to awaken and "ask" where is the food!!!

More Ft Worth Ride

Here are some pictures from FT Worth TX. The Longhorns in the previous post had just been "driven" down the street with coyboys (that make up of the "herders was a couple of African Americans, a couple of Hispanic and a couple of "white" and one woman bring up the rear). I noticed the make up of the "crew" and no one else was trained in EEO. The train is how we rode to FT Worth and the picture of us eating is why we ride. The characters had to have their picture taken with other characters that rode bicycles