Monday, March 30, 2015

New Post

Saw an interesting theater the other night.  Titled "Fellowship!: A Musical Parody of The Fellowship of the Ring". The title says it all and I should have been more familiar with the Rings stories.  But then I would have to read.  Very funny and enjoyable.  Nice weather this weekend and able to get in 70 mi on the bicycle.  Hockey last week also.  The Americans are in the playoffs but not looking good for the STARS.  That's about it - rest of the week was fairly normal.

Monday, March 23, 2015


More rain and no bike riding again this week.  Allen Americans are in the playoffs, at least one of my teams have made it.  The STARS are still trying to make it and I'll need a lot of help to get there.  Good team but not coming together soon enuff for the playoffs.  So I guess more TX $ will be flowing to MI again.  One theater this week and one DSO performance and a couple of hockey games.  The forecast is for good weather for the weekend so hopefully bike riding.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Culture Week - Theater/DSO

This week was spent at the theater and DSO.  The Water Tower theater has a "Out Of The Loop" festival each year that highlights short one act, original, 1 hr plays.  Very interesting some not as enjoyable as the others.  SA saw 3 plays in one day.  Rest of the week was one per evening.  The DSO had a piano piece, written by one of my bicycle friends son, a freshman at SMU performed during the concert.  Not my cup of tea as too long hair but he is a very talented composer/musician.  Did get some riding in this weekend and now recovering!!!  Been too long off the bike.  Enuff culture for a while.

Monday, March 9, 2015

SNOW and more rain

No bike riding again this weekend.  Too much rain and cold weather.  Earlier in the week we had the most snow for a March since the 1940's. About 3-7 inches depending on what part of the Metroplex you lived.  Did make it too work.  Left at 5:30am and it took about 1/2 hr longer than normal but I beat the traffic idiots.  I normally leave about 6am so not much earlier.  I get coffee and read the papers when I get to work and that way avoid the traffic.  A little hockey but both teams on the road for a while.  Back to work tomorrow and the temps will be in the 70's toward the end of the week.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Weather in Big R

More hockey not to the likings of Dallas/Allen fans.  Dallas probably will not be in the playoffs but Allen is leading nationally in the ECHL even tho the have lost the last 6 games at home but win on the road.  Roads icy and about 2 inches of snow on top of that.  TU this week probably 65 and then more sleet and rain and freezing temp the rest of the week.  At the STARS game last night I saw a guy in shorts in the parking lot - temp 32.  I went to harrss him and ask if he was a Yankee dressed in shorts and flip flops with a STARS jersey on.  He was from KS but had been here most of his life.  He did laught at the question and his buddy told me he thought he was crazy also.  After the game he saw us in the parky lot and stated he was still warm.  Love all the excuses not to show up for work but I don't have to referee those any more.  Back to work tomorrow.