Monday, July 27, 2015

100 Degrees

Finally made it officially at DFW airport.  Been a subject on the news for a long time.  When is the first 100 degree day?  It was hot riding on the weekend and cut the SU ride short.  Other than that everything normal or as normal as TX can be.

Monday, July 20, 2015

More of the same

Did not post last week as I had to work on MO.  Then too tired after 4 days at work.  Really missed MO off.  Did get in bike riding both weekends but taking it easy because of the heat.  Only 32mi both SA, SU the week and that was enuff.  Still waiting for hockey, theater, DSO seasons to start.  Did make it to the Allen Alericans event last SA and they were giving away a poster with a piece if the net from the ECHL champshionship games.  Another hockey souvenir to put on the pile😀.
Hopefully more nest week

Monday, July 6, 2015

Interesting week

Did not post last week because SOS.  However this week was different.  On SA or SU I lose a crown. Big hole in left side of head.  Always big hole in head ( for the MI nephew so he won't have to say it).  Had appointment on FR 8am and the said they would be scanning the area and making the crown.  About 40 min later I went home.  Had to come back in an hour as they would have it ready to install. No longer week or so as in the past, with temporary crowns etc. The scan is sent to a machine in the lab and the crown cut from a block of material.  It was glued on and done.  I ask to see the process in the back and was taken to the machine.  A block of material not really big is placed in the machi g and then the cutters co to work. and done.  Kinda like 3d printing but whirling burs cut the material in the agape from the scan.  The assistant said she and her husband used to have a dental lab but had to sell as a lot of the stuff they used to do is now being done in the dental offices and not sent out.  Bridges are a thing of the past with implants, crowns as just done etc.  progress?
Did ride SA got real hot and tired.  Rode SU and left the ride early and rode back to the start by myself.  Really hot and tired.  Napped and back to "normal" whatever that is.  Whew that is enuff typing