Monday, February 26, 2018

Interesting week

Lots of Theater.  MBS Productions had a 7 Plays in 7 Days so MO,TU,WE,TH and SU was theater.  Each was a new never presented play.  Some really weird and others very entertaining.  On FR attended I Love You, Your Perfect Now Change at Theater 2, I lost count the number of times but probably have stated in the past I saw it 4 times one year with different groups of friends.  Still very enjoyable and I enjoy listening to the audience reactions as I know what is coming.  STARS on SA.
Did the normal work schedule and hopefully  a little rest this week.  I think that is enuff for now

Monday, February 5, 2018

Ho hum

just more of the same.  Work, hockey, sleeping/eating etc.  One of the most unusual things was the DSO last week.  They have done it before.  The Cirque de Solei comes and performs over and around the orchestra.  Lots of spinning, juggling, clowning around, flying over the DSO and lots of fun.  I can’t believe the orchestra can concentrate with all that is going on over and around them.  That’s all for now