Monday, May 29, 2017

New week

Semi back to normal.  Breakfast with friends this am.  Not much bike riding as it has been kinda rainy on the weekends and just do not need to be getting wet on a bike.  Had to work 4 days last week as I had a mandatory "educational" seminar???? At 1:30 in the pm,  So I went in for the whole day.  At least made a little extra $ for the endeavor!  Hopefully now back to more normality.

Monday, May 1, 2017


Had an interesting weekend in Galveston, TX (TH-SU).  CE for my licenses (IN/TX as I do not have to worry about the Arkansas anymore-inactive).  This is the state hospital pharmacists association (TSHP) yearly "convention". Can get all my CE in for both states in one weekend.  Also, lots of stuff to gather up as y'all know and I did again.  Not as much as in the past.  Did see some old friends etc that you only see yearly.  Interesting to be on the gulf coast and lot so wind, waves, soaring birds etc.
Now back to work. BOOOOO!!!