Sunday, December 24, 2017

Hockey Time

There was lots of hockey in big D last week.  TU Stars and Americans - went to STARS game, WE Americans, TH STARS, FR Americans, SA both STARS Americans - went to STARS GAME.  DId fairly well, won most and lost a couple but made $ heading to big D from MI, including a SHOUT-OUT of Blackhawks.  Work is normal, cold weekend SA/SU and did not ride either day.  More hockey this week - WE, FR and New Years Eve.  All for now

Monday, December 11, 2017


Winter in TX. Temp TU 25 degrees.  Needed all the winter coats I own to make it to the car to drive to work.  Problem - next week it was in the 70’s. Weird weather.  Dust Bunny visited the vet and got a good report so revisit in 6 months.  She does not like the vet but tolerates the exam.  She is always ready to get home after the visits.  Other than all of this back to normal

Monday, December 4, 2017

Back to normal whatever that is

As most who read the blog know I put some miles on the Ford over Thanksgiving.  Left early in the am for the trip to GA, arrived safely and waited for the rest of the crew to arrive.  Upon their arrival I checked out USAA and their monitoring of large purchases.  They did and the family was fed for the week.  Kids liked the “treasures” from the STARS etc.  I received prizes from the family as well as Judy.  The prizes are being put to use.  Thanks all.  The off to TN to harass the other members of the family.  Heather was really happy with the “ antique” Wonder Woman glass that had been in my cabinet since 1975 when I moved into the house.  Had not been moved since placed there.  Do not know the real age but can account since 1975.  Nice visit then on the road again (sounds like a song title).  Dust Bunny was happy to have me home.   Back to work and watching Maury and Jerry.