Monday, July 28, 2014

Hot weekend

Increased temps from last week.  101 on SA and 103 on SU so mileage not as great.  41 on SA and 27 on SU.  Took it easy.  Still waiting on the schedule for the Americans and then the start of hockey season.  Other than ayah same old stuff in Big R.

Monday, July 21, 2014

New post

Rode last week just a little.  Hit the Apple Corps. Meeting on SA and rode on SU.  This last weekend did one do the longest rides of the year 56 mi on SA and 31 pn SU.  Saw a possum on the half-shell (armadillo) dead in the road.  Now that would be tuff or run over.  Had to wear wind-beakers on the rides this weekend only in the 70's.  Will be back to normal 100's by the end of the week.  Ready for the hockey season to start

Monday, July 7, 2014

After the 4th

Well just worked and did get a little bike riding this weekend.  47mi on FR, 41mi on SA and 35mi on SU.  Ready for a rest WHEW!!  Getting warmer but no 100's yet maybe next week.