Thursday, December 2, 2021

 Whew. After no posts from Sept to 2 in one day - guess nothing to do.  I had saved the silver dimes and quarters when working retail.  As I put the change in the drawer and opened new rolls from the bank - any silver coins I saved (replaced) with the newer coins.  Finally decided to see what they were worth.  Took a roll of dimes and one of quarters ($15.00) and left the coin store with $240.00.  Don’t know rate of return but I was happy.  Trying to save for next Publix trip - I’ll need all the help I can get as being retired.

 Finally woke up after driving from GA/TN.  Driving not too bad.  Had a new function on the new car.  I call it the Judy function.  She does not like driving or having someone drive long distances.  On my way to GA at about 4 hrs a yellow light appeared in the speedometer with the words “time to stop and rest.  I pushed the Rick button to turn it off and kept going.  About 2 hrs later it popped up again and the Rick button fixed it.  Did not occur on the way back to TX.  I was playing with the function that notifies you the car is varying from the lane. Nice function but played with it too much - therefore warning.  Had fun in GA eating pie and ice cream.  TN visit was fun seeing Nolin and Gordon and parents.  Kristen was there a couple of hours SA before heading back to Carmel IN.  Car drives well and now broken in with 4,000 mi.

Still looking at place to move for retirement etc.  Talked to them again since return.  More later.