Sunday, January 10, 2010

Saturday 1/9/10

OK here is the story behind these pictures of me and the great STARS hockey phenom Mike Modano!!!!. The Stars Foundation (Stars charity) has a puck draw each year in which a player (current player) will sign a puck and it will be placed in a wrapped package. The packages are "sold" for a $30.00 donation and come with a signed puck and 2 tickets to a future STARS game. Most pucks are signed in silver (have a couple of those) and if the puck is signed in gold then the purchaser gets to meet the player one-on-one and may bring one guest. I received the gold signed puck and this was the day to meet the player. Cathy has lots of Mike stuff including his rookie card from the Minnesota Northstars so we went to meet the player. We met him as he came off the ice after a practice Saturday 1/9/10. Very cordial and signed lots of stuff -pucks, 2 jerseys, numerous pictures, etc.etc.etc. Mike had writers cramp after we finished. I did mention to him that he seemed to be getting meaner in his old age (39 I think) as he is making more hits and being more physical in his play. His response was that as we get older we get a litter grumpier and I concurred!! I did ask him to give me a punch in the chin for a $1.00 from the MI frozen brain but the camera did not work and he was getting antsy after all the writing and the team was leaving for the airport for the trip to Columbus OH for a game on Sunday. Mike is a lot taller than I expected expecially in his skates as I had only seen him sitting down signing stuff in the past and on the ice from a distance.
All in all it was a great Saturday and then off to a NAHL (Tornado) game in the pm.
How about this for very sporadic posts