Monday, April 27, 2015

Back Again

This week was spent doing the "usual" things.  Worked 2 days, Allen Americans won the first round and on to the next starting FR.  Spent Th- SU in San Antonio for my RPh CE.  Still sore and black,yellow and blue from the accident.  Allen starts the 2nd round on FR.  I guess that's it for now.

Monday, April 20, 2015

interesting SU

Bike ride on the way back to the start I was hit by a car.  This is not the same as running over a cat.  Car had stopped and we had the right of way-NO stop sign for us.  I think the driver noticed one riders go by the the intersection and started out not looking both ways.  I was hollering as she hit me.  Very sore, no broken bones but lots of muscle aches.  Did go tot the ER for X-Rays and a head scan and they found only vacuum.  Watching for any head symptoms.  Lots of ER responders and cops at the scene.  Going to have my bike looked at today - does not look like much damage only the handle bar tape but we will see.  Other than that hockey and work.
Need to find a six year old to shoe me how to put pictures here.  Tried but too tuff

Monday, April 13, 2015

New Week

Stopped raining enuff for a 37mi bike ride on SU.  Our rally was on SA and Bout 1000 riders rode anywhere from 30-60 mi depending on route chosen.  Lots of TX blue bonnets in bloom and make the ride pretty but hilly for TX.  Allen Americans in playoffs with games on TU WE home games the head to Tulsa for the next 2.  It is a 2-2-1-1-1 series so if they go 7 games we will have 4 home games.  STARS are waiting for next year.  So depending how far the Dead Wings go in the playoffs I might be funding 3 nephews college education.  Taxes are filed. YEAH.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Another "normal" week

more rain on the weekends and forecast for all week so no bike riding again.   Booooooo!!!!!  Did see an interesting performance on TH called "Hot Mikado". A musical adapted from Gilbert & Sullivan.  Allen Americans are having a season ticket holder event at Top Golf tonight.  Food and free golf, meet the players, coaches and staff.  Know most of the staff after 5 years of season tickets.  STARS are almost finished with the season.  Only lots of help from other teams and miracles from the STARS will make the playoffs.  Have already signed up for next year.  So it looks like I will continue to contribute to the MI nephews college education.