Monday, July 22, 2019

GA Visitor

I think we all need a visitor to see things in the area where you live.  Had a visitor from GA attending a “educational seminar” (WE/TH) at a University in the area.  They needed wining/dining and a place to camp out after the seminar.  TU messed around etc.  On FR picked up and then visited the Perot Museum and 6th Floor Museum (Kennedy Exhibit). Never visited the 6th floor museum until then after many many years in existence.  Perot had an exhibit called Art of the Bricks.  LEGO forms. A ex-lawyer not having anything to do making lots of stuff out of LEGOs.  Life size statues of people sitting on park benches, Whistler’s Mother. etc,etc.  all very interesting and lots it time making these. Had a good time and saw stuff not seen before.  Back to normal? This week
All for now

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