Monday, July 9, 2018


Had to turn on the furnace and get out the autumn (was going to say winter but knew that was not believable) clothes.  Been in the 70’s at night and high 80’s low 90’s last week.  This time of the year is not just hot - but as the weather people say “IT’S TEXAS HOT”!!!  Went for my first bike ride this am since March.  Made the 10miles.  There is a guy in the neighborhood that is doing Monday Morning Bike rides.  Made for the retired.  Had fun but not as factor far as my normal rides but back.  Will go back and hopefully increase the mileage.  He took a couple of riders. That finished with the group on for more miles but I thought I had had enuff.  Off to work 3 days this week no time off.
All for nos

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