Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cooler Weather and RAIN

Rained last night - don't know how much but people were playing in the rain. Enough to leave puddles in the drainage ditches on the side of the road. The ride this am was dry streets, dodging the puddles on the sides of the streets and we made it 52 miles this am. Longest ride since the heat wave started in June 2011. Came home and took a 2 hr nap and now ready to go. Will ride 30-35 mi tomorrow SU and then who knows.

Set the record of 71 days of temps 100 and greater - as if I wanted to live thru that record. It was semi disappointing when we were at 69 days and might not break the record - having so many days and then not doing it!!!! The last 2 days were 105 and the previous record was 100 in 1930 so it was broken in style.

STARS start the preseason this week with the first home pre-season game this TH

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